Sunday, April 8, 2007

Gala Opening!

I am completely exhausted...after many many hrs at work and on my feet all body is not used to it yet. After 1 week of work, my body will always does! Right now I am too happy to sleep. The restaurant's gala opening was a HUGE success. My chef and the owners of the restaurant told us at the end of the night how great everything was. We had 5 different magazines there...along with countless celebrities. Too bad we were too busy in the kitchen to see who they were...I'm sure we'll find out via gossip magazines! I did hear that some of the cast of Grey's Anatomy was there!

The E! crew came in and filmed us preparing for service with Chef giving us a prep talk. It was really great. Everyone worked so well together, we were so happy to be working for such a great restaurant and with Chef D and Chef C as our leaders...what more can we ask for. I'm feel so lucky to have this job because of the people I'm working with.

One co-worker gave me a great complement tonight. We were talking about 1st kitchen jobs and he was surprised this was my first kitchen job. He told me I was great tonight...he was really shocked that I hadn't worked in the kitchen before...I felt great.

Once service started it was like we were on productive excellency mode. Since desserts didn't need to go out until at least 9:30pm....I helped out with the line. I can now talk about the menu. Everything was bite size...Eggplant Churizo, Oyster shooter with Yuzu gelee, Lamb lollipop with Mint caviar (I helped with that, I was happy to learn how make them...I really wanna use it in a dessert someday) Steak braised in butter with a mushroom truffle was to die for! The scallops was my favorite. Lastly a gourmet Ham & Cheese sandwich. Of course none of these are as simple as it sounds. I wasn't part of preparing these dishes so I can't really explain them in detail. I know a lot of work was involved with preparing each dish. The spices and the detail that went into each dish is like love! to something I know...desserts. We had Saffron Chocolate Mousse which is one part of our Taste of Chocolate Dinner Dessert. It was a rich chocolate flavor with a hint of saffron. One of the best chocolate mousse I've ever had. Then comes our glory dish. Pina Colada Float topped with a pineapple chip. It is innovative and one of the best desserts I've ever had in my life. The flavors go so well together and it's surprising to people when they see how cool it looks! I love every minute I was working...helping each other out...plating, creating and just enjoying being part of this amazing restaurant.

After we were all done, Chef came in to talk to us. Gave us a great talk...talking about our success for the night and our future successes. Our goal is to get 4 stars from LA times and at least 1 Michelin star! Pressure? Nah...I know our team can do it. We are all dedicated to the success of this restaurant.

1 comment:

em said...

just like what i said
you'll be fantastic
you'll be great
and you'll nail it in no time

go get them

man only hope I'm there to try out the great good too

make sure you save me a seat if I ever get there

BREAK a leg